We had Hadley dedicated at church this past Sunday. Basically this is a personal and public commitment that Ryan & I will raise our daughter in a home that serves, honors and teaches her to know Jesus and for our family & church body to hold us accountable to this desire. It was a significant and special time for us as it was with Briggs. And it was amazing to have so many other friends (who have become like family to us) stand with us and dedicate their own little ones...including Ryen & Hayden! Pawpaw, Gaga, Uncle Andy & Uncle Pat came to support us too! Until now, we had been out of town each of the Sundays our church held dedications. Briggs jumped up and down on the stage, Hadley screamed her head and wouldn't allow Pastor Jeff to so much as touch her but what can you expect when you wait until they're this age? Oh well, that's life!