Living near my parents, naturally Briggs & Hadley associate quite a lot with Gaga & Pawpaw ...which we know can be hard for Allan & Nancy who are missing their little pipsqueaks growing up. :) It's no one's fault. It's not fair. It's just what it is for now. However...
We took the kiddos up to Frazier Park the other week to get some more use out our snow clothes and had a blast. With his first step onto the snow, Briggs' eyes widened with glee and he started sqealing. "Yaaaayyyy, it's snowing! Where are Nana & Pops? NANA & POPS!!!! Where are you?" It just about broke my heart explaining to him that they couldn't come play in the snow with us that day. Apparantly snow = Nana & Pops. Their first memories of snow have effectively and permanently been burned in their little hearts and minds. We love you Nana & Pops!
Briggs was too busy for photos and all over the place. We bribed him to go down the hill on his own which was hillarious. He rode down screaming for chocolate.
Hadley spent much of her day like this...
... not because she was cold, but because she was ticked that she had to wait her turn on the big hill. Crazy girl! She nursed her wounds by eating snow as usual. :)