Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday To Us!!!

We celebrated Jenn's 31st (yikes!), Patrick's 23rd and Haddie's 2nd birthdays at Disneyland this year. July 3rd is such a weird day in our family. :) But we love it. I keep telling mixed stories when anyone asks how the day went. Really, it was great. But man, we were worn as all get out after chasing Miss little 2 year old around. With the highlights of her day being ditching her expensive Tinkerbell dress/gift to run around in her diaper and throwing a fit (literally, see photos) because she couldn't run through the middle of the parade to find Minnie, thank goodness her ticket is still free. Okay, in all fairness though, we all loved the teacups. Totally Disney clique' but absolutely true. After closing down the park, Ryan and I also had an enlightening epiphany. We are so not 20 anymore. Let's just say that after switching seats over 5 times just to make if home, we vowed never again will we not get a hotel. Rock on thirtysomethings!

Sunday, July 06, 2008


How in the world does time fly so quickly from this...

... to this?

Happy Birthday to our Haddie girl!