Thursday, September 18, 2008

Auntie II

Dear II (pronounced "eye-eye"),

Thank you for coming all the way up to play with us a couple of weeks ago. We had so much fun at the water park, getting ice cream, making cookies, watching movies, playing soccer, and dressing up! We love the treats you left for us too! Come back and play with us again soon, and we'll keep begging Mama and Dada to take us down to the beach too!

Love, Briggs William and Hadley Gwen

Hadley loves her new dress too! She wore it out on the town with Mama for a girls night out while the boys saw Star Wars and got lots of compliments :) She kept saying "I'm Tess!" which made no sense to us until we saw her friend Tess in the same dress the next weekend. What a smart little memory!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


First of all, can you tell I have some extra time on my hands? That's two posts in one day, baby! Don't get used to it. :) I promised myself to post once a day until I get all caught up. I rock.

Secondly, can someone please tell when THIS face will cease? They both do it. Like ALL of the time. It's painful. And I may never see a cute family photo again.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Goodbye, Summer!

So apparantly it will be in the 80's this week. Man, that's practically winter here. I am so over summer. You can't exactly associate the start of a new school year with brisk air here as you are never guaranteed a true fall until after Halloween. (sigh). And then 2 weeks later it's full blown California winter (foggy and bla as all get out). But maybe we'll get lucky this year.
So, so long summer. At least the kids will miss you...

But I will not. (At least not until next spring). Bring on the sweaters, beanies, leaves, hot cocoa, fires and blankies. Okay, and any excuse to get Haddie back in my favorite dress before she outgrows it works too!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why we love storytime...

Um, hello! They serve mini frappaccinos for heaven's sake. Oh, and the books are pretty cool too. :)