Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy Halloween

Treats and crafts at Briggs' first class party, flowers for Nana at the airport (arriving from Africa), trying to get a photo of thirty costumed kiddos,"pumpkin treating" - Haddie, a sweet flower and a stinky skunk fighting to stay awake after a long day, too much candy, and a PB&J dinner at 9:30 pm. You gotta love this weird and crazy holiday! Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin Patch

Picking out pumpkins with the Thompson crew at the cutest little pumpkin patch.

And I saved the best for last... :)

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Simpler times...

Ironically our friend Lorie was just talking about how her need (and amazing ability as a professional photographer) to capture the perfect shot can sometimes conflict with enjoying the moment. Her solution is to attempt to lay down the big guns and go with the "little camera." Even with my little point and shoot, I sometimes feel the same way and wish for the days when I didn't have to check messages, respond to a billion emails, and yes, catch each and every emotion my children have ever had on film. Last week I got my wish.

We took a spontaneous trip to Disneyland (our FIRST as just our little family of four) and wouldn't you know it, four shots into the day, the camera went dead. Of course, I was paralyzed and distraught beyond belief for a good ten minutes, but then I did something very un-Jenn and simply LET IT GO! Cameraless and free! Truly, it was one of the best days... with only memories to prove it. Fortunately, we did get our first set of annual passes (thanks to our fabulous family and friends who had been contributing to our fund over the past year) so in all honesty, there's no doubt I'll have ample opportunity to snap a billion and one Disney photos this year. But sometimes just simply soaking up the moment is the best way to go...