Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hadley's Dedication

We had Hadley dedicated at church this past Sunday. Basically this is a personal and public commitment that Ryan & I will raise our daughter in a home that serves, honors and teaches her to know Jesus and for our family & church body to hold us accountable to this desire. It was a significant and special time for us as it was with Briggs. And it was amazing to have so many other friends (who have become like family to us) stand with us and dedicate their own little ones...including Ryen & Hayden! Pawpaw, Gaga, Uncle Andy & Uncle Pat came to support us too! Until now, we had been out of town each of the Sundays our church held dedications. Briggs jumped up and down on the stage, Hadley screamed her head and wouldn't allow Pastor Jeff to so much as touch her but what can you expect when you wait until they're this age? Oh well, that's life!

What we did last weekend...

It was brutal and it hit all four of us at the same time...but at least it only lasted 24 hours. Note how dad has the nice warm blanket, and the poor, skinny, sick child is laying on the cold ground.


How Cute Is This Kid?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

One of those days...

So I'm feeling discouraged today. In addition to the kids STILL being sickly and my house STILL in disarray, Hadley started throwing full on fits yesterday. I'm still not sure if it is a product of feeling crummy or just the beginning of the inevitable. I busted out my parenting books, and sure enough, the terrible 2's really runs the span of 15 months to 3 years. It's so hard seeing her like this as she has been such a happy little thing..I was sure she was going to be easier than Briggs. Then I start to worry. Did I have them too close together? Would it be like this if I hadn't? Do I spend enough time with them... together... individually? I should be taking them to the park more often. I should be more willing to get messy with them. I should have my act together and this stinking house clean so that I don't have to focus on that constantly. And the list goes on.

I know I am intentional about constantly thinking about their needs but at times like this I doubt myself. And it's hard to know if the extent of this is just a necessary stage or something I could be preventing. Ugh.

Being a mom is hard.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Catch 22

So we got the official sign that it is finally fall. Two kids dripping in snot for almost a week now. Not mild, typical todder drippy, we're talking double banana slugs out the shnaz yuck. I love fall but the last couple of years a part of me has begun to dread it... we are one of those families. You know, the ones with the crappiest immune systems known to man. It's true, and since Ryan met me he swears that I somehow flawed his genetics as well. So I am anxiously awaiting this first bout to pass, wondering why in the heck they always have these bugs for so long and wondering if I am doomed to spend another anti-social winter cooped up in my house going crazy!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Three & Oh

Thirty. I love it. Now just about everyone I have said this to looks at me like a crazy person. How could anyone be that excited about being another decade older? Closer to the beginning of the end? That's me... I actually felt RELIEVED. I know it sounds strange but my 20's were a bit, let's say ...tumultuous.

At age 20 I was single, sleeping through 8 am classes, and not exactly sure what I was doing in 10 minutes let alone 10 years. At 30, I am a stay at home mother of two, fully equipped with a wonderful husband, a house and the question of how in the heck did I get here? The diploma, ring, wedding, seven jobs, eight moves, two kids and five years of anniversaries along the way somehow seem like a blur. Now don't get me wrong, I love where I am, and am becoming more accustomed to these changes but that's just it.. it was a LOT of change, and if you know me, I don't do long term change very well. Ryan and I will both tell you that our 20's were the best and worst of times. And that story is definitely too long to tell on a blog :) But we have come out alive :), stronger, happier, and more secure to say the least. I finally feel like I am starting to slow down and just enjoy today for today.

So I guess I feel like my 30's will be a little less like a rollercoaster, with less major life changes between now and the next decade, right? Of course, I am probably totally and completely wrong, but I choose to live in sweet ignorance for the time being. Anyway, here's to 30! We celebrated Ry's with a quick trip up north to see the Royals vs the Oakland A's and dinner at a sports pub, of course. It was a fantastic day. Happy Birthday Tig!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

We finally caved...

In honor of officially entering our thirty-somethings, we have finally joined the blog world. You can still check out our photos through the our link if you'd like to see 18 billion shots of us. But for the rest of you, we figured you'd rather settle for a brief synopsis. We'll see how well we do with updating as we happen to fantastic at procrastinating. Who knows, it could be therapeutic! So welcome... html...xml...bla bla bla... I'm so confused!).