Sunday, February 24, 2008


Rewind a week....

So I have a love/hate relationship with Valentine's Day. On one hand it seems silly that one is 'expected' to show affection on this one particular "Halmarkish-heightened-expectations" day. And on the other, the Sleepless in Seattle in me has always loved any romantic notion... and all that those twitterpated days of dating had to offer on such a holiday.
But when I thought about it more, my affinity for the day really came back to simple childhood pleasures ... the days of paper hearts ... traditions of classroom Valentines ... awaiting the yearly oversized package of MnMs in the mail from my grandparents, the inevitable heart-shaped earings, red socks and occasional flowers from my mom in the morning.... and a candy shaped box of chocolates from my dad when he got home from work that night. The day didn't need to be romantic (although I did love seeing that between my parents too, and think that is just as important to model for our kids). It was just about showing the people you loved how important they were. And I loved that.
This Valentines Gaga stopped by to continue her spoiling tradition... she always has and always will love giving little goodies on pretty much every holiday known to man. Fortunately Ryan and I apparantly aren't too old for the spoiling either. Woohooo! Thanks Mom & Dad! (And that is some serious bedhead on Briggs!)
After hearing Katie's family tradition of having a heart-shaped meatloaf every year on Valentine's day, I decided I HAVE to make/bake something heartish each year too! Not that I have anything against meatloaf, but I think I'll keep my options open :). I was considering lazy cookie cutter grilled cheese hearts, but instead we opted to accept a dinner invitation for a Valentine's Papa Murphy's special with the Gehrings this time around. So fun!
And just for kicks, I totally ripped off this cute, crafty idea... pink hot cocoa from World Market in little mini mugs (aka espresso cups)! Too cute, right? Well, they ran out of cocoa :( so I had to improvise. Strangely enough, Briggs & Hadley were ridiculously excited about their food-coloring-spiked regular old milk. Ha!
So... Ryan and I have decided that Valentine's is a day for our entire family. We'll leave the candlelit dinner for our anniversary and celebrate together. We'll make Valentines for eachother, bake something heart-y and simply enjoy that people that God has given us to love. That's the kind of tradition I want to pass on to Briggs and Hadley on silly little days like this. Family love.
And the three dozen tulips that arrived unexpected were pretty wonderful too! :)


tiffany said...

I love the Valentine's ideas! Thanks for sharing. We would love for you to come visit! We even have a pack and play and crib for when naps need to happen:)

Mike and Rachel said...

I've made heart shaped rice krispies. I also have heart shaped cookie cutters that can go on a pan and then you can either pour pancake mix or eggs in them.

Barbie said...

This is so fun! I actually got pink hot cocoa from my secret pal at work, so next year if you need some...just drop me an e-mail :) Love the picture of Hadley sipping her pink milk with her dainty little bracelet.

Paulette said...

It's way too crowded out there on Valentine's Day anyway! I think you opted for the perfect day!